Fountains and Drains

Welcome to 2024! We are excited to continue the Message of the Week!

As we think about the year ahead, it’s important to start from the inside-out. Surely there will be external factors that change our course. Adversity will hit. Yet, as we sit here in January, I’d like to pose a simple question: Are you operating as a fountain or a drain?

Fountains pour into other people. They are energy givers. Fountains wave to their neighbors and smile at strangers. They take a break from their devices to give someone their full attention. A fountain facilitates fist bumps. They celebrate others’ success. Fountains are great teammates and they take pride in being part of something bigger than themselves.

Drains on the other hand suck the energy from others. Drains are takers. Drains become toxic and cancerous to their teams. A drain is constantly pulling on its surroundings and will do whatever it takes to leave their environments dry. We’ve all been around drains; they are exhausting.

So, let’s start with us. Let’s commit to being fountains if not just for today, for the week; and if not for the week, then the month. And heck, maybe we can make 2024 one giant fountain.