Full Plate

As we roar toward the end of the year, I am thinking about how people navigate operating with a full plate. Do we take stuff off our plate? Ask others for help? Pour more onto our plate? There are endless options, but many of us feel overwhelmed with a full plate. We often fear that others are operating from a full plate as well, so instead of asking for support, we continue to grind.
Many of us are finishing the year strong by clearing stuff off our plate as we hope to start with a clean slate in 2024. As you go forward, it’s worth noting the steps you take to clear your plate. What ways can you operate in a more sustainable way in 2024? How might you fill your plate with more meaningful, important, and useful things? What is weighing you down on your plate? What is excessive?
We all have a plate. Some of us like operating from a full plate, and some prefer not to. Regardless, we each need to be intentional about what we fill our plate with, because if we don’t intentionally fill our plate with what we need, someone else will.