Posts tagged Psychology
Deaf in One Ear

I was born deaf in my left ear. I am not sure exactly how it happened, but my entire life I have had to adjust where I sit, walk, and how I approach people with my left ear in mind. Early in my life, I adjusted instinctively, but as I grew older I remember making intentional decisions to put myself in positions to minimize the impact the deafness would have on my conversations with people.

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A lack of boundaries often leads to bitterness and resentment. I have frequently put a desire to be well-liked over a desire to set boundaries, and surprisingly it leads to being less well-liked. Let me explain further. Boundaries need to be front-loaded. They create expectations. When we set our intentions up-front, we create clarity; when we don’t, we create clutter. Many of us create stories and assumptions when boundaries aren’t in place. It’s in those stories that drama thrives. Boundaries are about truth over hearsay.

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Relationships and Systems

Relationships are huge for sales/revenue. Systems are huge for growth; they allow us to unlock our potential and make performing easier, especially in a group context. Systems lead to better implementation. They are about “best practice.” Think of them as a philosophy; the way we want to play, sell, operate, etc. Great systems create efficiencies that reduce friction. Find a consistently performing organization and you will most likely find great systems. Systems are about unlocking potential.

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Great Questions

Asking a question we know the answer to is condescending. Stop doing it. Don’t do it. You are wasting your time and that of the people you serve. We are often trained to do so, and I believe it’s a mistake. If you know the answer to something you are far better off asking for permission to share your answer than asking a question you already have an answer to.

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Love it or hate it, email is an essential form of communication for most of us. A few years ago, I was drowning in my inbox. I was slipping. Not replying to people and letting things fall through the cracks. I decided to invest money into fixing the problem when I found a company called Superhuman.

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Meaning Making Machines

We are constantly making meaning of the world. Our meaning drives our story. Our story drives our perception. Yet, our capacity to make meaning can often lead us astray; it can lie to us. We are awful at remembering what truly happened in the past. Our brains like to create neat and tidy stories so that we cleanly understand what happened, but much of life isn’t neat or tidy.

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Sports evolve. Think about the last 30 years and how they have changed; NBA teams take far more 3 pointers, NFL teams throw more, NHL teams have swapped out fighters for speedsters, MLB teams swing away, hunting for homers, instead of just making contact. Evolution is everywhere in sports. Yet, how are you evolving? What about your organization?

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I Am Enough

Three words: I am enough. Powerful. Often helpful. Feeling as though we are enough allows for us to have peace of mind. Yet, growth mindset, which is one of my favorite concepts, has been embedded into our school, businesses, and many other organizations. So how do we leverage growth mindset while also understanding that we are enough?

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